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Your go-to guide for egg alternatives!

Replacing eggs is pretty easy, and there are so many already vegan recipes online you can follow instead of adapting recipes too.

Orgran Easy Egg

Made of chickpea flour, this is a really easy vegan egg to make. Just add water, oil and cook how you normally would whether it is scrambled eggs or omelette style, or use for quiche. One little box can last a few meals as it’s equal to approx 15 eggs.

Orgran No-Egg (egg replacer) Made from potato starch and tapioca, this is a powder that you mix with water and use in baking. Follow instructions on the box for 1 egg or for egg whites


1 tbsp ground flax

+ 3 tbsp water = 1 egg

Good for binding. Mix together until mixture is thick and creamy. Use a fork or whisk, or if making a larger quantity you could use a food processor.

Chia Seed

1 tbsp chia seed

+ 1/3 cup water = 1 egg

Also good for binding. Mix together and leave for 15 minutes or so. The chia seeds begin to absorb the water and sets.


1/2 mashed banana = 1 egg

Good for adding moisture. Works well in cookies and brownies.

Agar Agar

1 tbsp agar agar

+ 1 tbsp water = 1 egg

You can find agar agar in health food/organic type shops mainly.

It comes as agar agar powder or flakes.

Unsweetened Apple Sauce

1/4 cup = 1 egg

Can be used to replace eggs, butter, and oil in cakes.

Soft Tofu

1/4 cup = 1 egg

Good for adding moisture and adds a creamy texture.

Chickpea Water/ Brine (Aquafaba)

3 tbsp = 1 egg

Generally 3 tbsp of aquafaba to one egg, but this really depends on whether your aquafaba is close to the right consistency. It should be a bit slimy, but not too thick, and not too runny. Ideally it should be the same consistency as egg whites.

If you are using aquafaba from a can of beans and it seems very watery, you can reduce it on the stove by 25% or 33% to get a slightly thicker consistency. Thicker is generally better, but you don’t want it to end up goopy or solid, so don’t reduce too much.”


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